A detail of the sleeve
buttons. (154kb) |
Detail of the collar. (220kb) |
Closeup of the front of the
dress. (113kb) |
The entire statue. (110kb) |
The back of the statue.
(137kb) |
Pieces of a belt. (113kb) |
Remaining pieces from a
different belt. (109kb) |
A neat painting. (268kb) |
A chest. (32kb) |
Detail of the chest handle.
(39kb) |
Detail of the lock mechanisms.
(47kb) |
Belt pieces. (30kb) |
Specific info on the belt
pieces. (17kb) |
More belt pieces. (19kb) |
More belt. (19kb) |
Final belt pieces. (25kb) |
More specifics on the belt
pieces. (19kb) |
Standing on the ramparts of
the bridge that goes from the castle over the river. (57kb) |
Tarythe overlooking the river
and looking back at the castle. (34 kb) |
The interior of the castle and
museum grounds. (32kb) |
The church of ??? (48kb) |
Another shot with me included.
(40kb) |
A close up of the cool
carvings on the outside of the church. (66kb) |