Medieval Chest in Laneham Church, Nottinghamshire

These are some of the photos I took when I visited Laneham Church.  The express purpose for making the visit was to take better photos of the chest with enough detail that I could make a reproduction.  There are thumbnails here, with each one being a link to the large photo.  Don't miss the second page of photos with measurements... or the page showing my small reproduction.    

An angled shot of the chest from the right side. You can clearly see that the arcading in the legs doesn't penetrate all the way through.(120kb) Another shot showing the right side of the chest. (54kb) The left side of the chest, showing a clear view of the transport rings. You can clearly see that the legs don't "wrap around the corner".(68kb)
This photo shows the fact that the entire lid does not open.  Only part of it, and the hinges are on the top of the chest.  Notice the small tray in left side of the chest. (79kb) This photo shows the hinges on the top of the chest. (73kb) A good view of the right side, showing the pegs in the joinery, the iron strapwork, and the palmetto chip carving. (92kb)
This photo shows what is left of the arcading on the foot of the chest. (62kb) This shot shows the joint of the left side and the front.  This also shows the interior of the tray. (48kb) This photo shows another angle of the tray in the left side of the chest. (66kb)
The left side of the chest with some repairs and reinforcements made several centuries ago. (98kb) Another clear photo of the transport rings (and the cut out section of the lid that allowing the rings to flip up) (126kb) A photo showing that originally the chest had a center lock plate, and then (after the lock mechanism was removed) hasps were added. (83kb)
This shows the relative size of the palmetto design, and the hasp on top of the chest A good photo of one of the hasps that flip down to lock the chest.  

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